Yesterday came the spring that we were all waiting for and, at least until yesterday, the weather suggested days to come full of sunshine. In the afternoon today a brief denial, a slight downpour lasted a few minutes and limited to a small area (the famous cloud overhead).
Spring may have arrived but we will wear the warm and soft wool for a few more days, so I do not feel out of place to present these padded flowers to you, they are the elements with which I made a pin to close a wool cape.
To make the flowers I used: thick merino wool yarn, crochet n ° 5, wadding for stuffing, black double satin ribbon 3 mm, beaded bead crochet.
The crochet work is done with single crochet: in a loop of yarn you work 6 sc, double on the next round (12), increase by six stitches on each subsequent round, then an increase every two stitches, an increase every three and so on to get to have 36 stitches (6 rounds); three rounds of 36 stitches are worked then the decreases begin, in the same way as the increases ... 24, 18. After the 18 round, insert two circles of thin wadding for stuffing (or loose wadding or if it is the thick sheet can only put one), the measure of the circle must obviously be taken on the measure that will have reached the machining once this is done, processing continues and closes. In my flowers I reached 36 stitches for the large one, 30 for the medium, 24 for the small.
The satin ribbon is threaded into a wool needle, threaded in the center, the rest is simple, you can understand from the image, it is passed 5 times each time, pulling a little to give the petals shape. After the last round a knot is made but, without cutting it, then the ribbon is re-threaded one last time, the pearl is inserted and the two ends are re-tied again and it is cut. I left about 10 cm of ribbon because I then tied them to the pin. The pearls are of three different sizes but I have not mounted them in the same size scales on the flowers: large flower large pearl but small flower medium pearl and medium flower small pearl.
Tomorrow, then in the next post, the cape and the pin mounted.

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