It had been a while that I wanted to make a coin purse with a snap closure and I finally succeeded. It took several days to complete the whole thing. First I decided that I wanted to use conteria beads, then I looked for a suitable shape; this shape with the sides in a circle seemed nice to me.
Having to deal with the weight of the beads, I stiffened the sides with semi-circles of plasticized cardboard, unfortunately it was not enough because the upper half is still light and therefore bends under the weight of the beads, but I could not do otherwise since the frame must being able to open and close and therefore I could not put the cardboard on top.
It was a tough job, pleasant, but very demanding; what I liked most was making the piece with the beads; do you remember when as children we made bracelets using a shoe box as a loom? how many good memories ...
Very fun to create geometric writings and designs, mixing the colors of the beads the possibilities are endless; in this case I started from the weave of the fabric, a kind of elongated octagon, to reproduce it with the beads I used two colors, white and yellow, it took about 45 grams, a little more than 2/3 white and the rest yellow.

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